"皮草=死亡", 市區驚現裸屍示威抵制亞曼尼


台北訊 — 著名動物保護團體善待動物組織(PETA)與福爾摩莎動物權利小組(Animosa)的成員,在2009年8月10日於台北市區內的亞曼尼服飾店外,以裸身躺入棺木的方式表達抗議。棺木以花海覆滿, 週遭並圍繞著刻有「亞曼尼: 皮草等於死亡」之標語的墓碑。 其他動物權利支持者則幫忙發送傳單,揭示無數動物因亞曼尼皮草製品而遭逢的苦難與死亡。喬治‧亞曼尼在2007年立下停止使用動物皮草的承諾,但在立下承諾的幾個月內,亞曼尼的新一季商品卻又充斥著由兔毛皮草製成的款件。這是PETA針對他違背承諾,近期內為數眾多的抗議活動之一。


PETA成員崔倩萍表示: 「亞曼尼正宣判著無數兔子, 世界上最溫和的物種之一,在中國遭受極度痛苦至死亡的悲慘命運」。「我們在各皮草農場的調查, 總揭露相似的恐怖虐待情形:全世界皮草農場的動物, 都被迫生活在骯髒, 悲慘的環境, 被剝奪了最基本的需求, 在極度痛苦與恐懼中死亡。」

許多領導時尚的時裝設計品牌, 包含Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, 和Tommy Hilfiger, 都已完全不再生產含動物皮草的製品。


PETA Asia-Pacific & Animosa成員合影

PETA and Animosa Members Converge on Designer's Store, Baring Their Skin to Save Animals' Skins

Taipei -- Lying naked in flower-covered coffins surrounded by tombstones inscribed with the tagline "Armani: Fur Is Dead," members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific and Animosa will protest outside the Giorgio Armani store in downtown Taipei on Monday. Other activists will hand out leaflets explaining how countless animals suffer and die so that their fur can be used in Armani apparel. It's all part of PETA's campaign targeting Giorgio Armani since he broke his 2007 promise to stop using fur. Within months of making his promise, Armani's new collection was full of items featuring rabbit fur.

Date: August 10, 2009
Time: 1 p.m. sharp
Place: Outside Armani, 110-112 DunHua South Road, Sec. 2, Taipei (near the intersection of Heping East Road)

Armani buys his rabbit fur from China, where animal protection laws are virtually non-existent. PETA has just released footage from its undercover investigation of rabbit-fur farms in China, which is now the world's largest fur exporter. The footage from one farm shows rabbits who are crammed into filthy cages encrusted with urine and feces. Workers at the farm pull rabbits from cages by their ears and shoot them in the head with electric stun guns--often multiple times--while the terrified animals kick and scream. They are then hung upside down and decapitated. Click here to view the footage (broadcast quality footage is available upon request).

"Armani is sentencing countless rabbits--who are members of one of the world's gentlest species--to a horrific life and a violent death in China," says PETA's Rebecca Chui. "Our investigations of fur farms always turn up the same horrible abuses: All over the world, animals on fur farms are forced to live in filthy, miserable conditions, are deprived of basic necessities, and die in agony and terror."

Many top fashion designers, including Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger, have gone fur-free.

For more information, please visit PETAAsiaPacific.com and animosa.org.