
The agency that oversees the largest animal testing program of all time has just announced new guidelines that mean that the number of animals who could fall victim to toxicity testing during the course of the program has dropped—by 4.5 million!


This news from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) comes in response to a detailed letter PETA initiated in cooperation with other animal protection groups. That letter was written after we learned from a chemical manufacturer that under the E.U.'s new Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances (REACH) Regulation, a number of duplicative tests were going to be conducted.

此一來自歐洲化學品管理局 (ECHA) 的消息,是對由善待動物組織發起,並與其他動物保護團體合作發出具詳細資料之串連信件的回應。在我們了解到根據歐盟新的"規範評估授權限制化學物質條例" (REACH),將會有部分重複試驗被施行後,決定執筆撰寫那封信件。

PETA, along with PETA Europe, the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, Eurogroup for Animals, HSI Europe, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, voiced concerns about the likelihood that companies would conduct duplicative animal tests for some types of toxicity when registering their chemicals under REACH. The letter explained how the redundant testing could be avoided.


ECHA was quick to issue a news release and a factsheet instructing chemical companies not to conduct initial toxicity screenings if they are planning to conduct more comprehensive tests during the later stages of REACH. Based on ECHA's own figures, 6,000 chemicals may fall under the relevant information requirements, and because up to 735 animals may be used for the initial toxicity screening for each chemical tested, ECHA's response has the potential to save the lives of 4.5 million animals.

歐洲化學品管理局 (ECHA) 即刻發出新聞稿和說明資料以指示化學工業,如果他們正計劃在REACH後期進行更多廣泛性的測試,則勿進行最初的毒性篩選試驗。歐洲化學品管理局的數據顯示,將受此項規定影響的化學物質可能多達6000種由於被使用於初步化學品毒性篩選測試的動物數量多達735隻,因此歐洲化學品管理局的回應將可能挽救450萬隻動物的性命。

There's still much work to be done, as REACH will still cause massive animal suffering. But you can bet your (vegan) boots that our next step will be to do everything possible to make sure that companies follow ECHA's new guidelines so that as many animals as possible will be spared.

Posted by Shawna Flavell


翻譯: 家珮, Animosa

來源: http://blog.peta.org/archives/2009/09/victory_45_mill.php