
翻譯:牛教主, Animosa動物權利小組

舊金山紀事報–喝奶了嗎? 若你是如此,花點時間想想,為何你早已不是嬰兒了,還在喝奶?而且是喝別種動物的奶? 除了人類以外沒有任何其它物種能如此,大部分人類也無法消化牛奶。



首先釐清的是,大部分對牛奶有不良反應的人並非真的過敏–意即這不是免疫系統的反應。而是乳糖不耐症的人不能消化乳糖–也就是牛奶的主要成份之一。正常人在2~5歲間消化乳糖的酵素會停止分泌, 無法消化的乳糖會堆積在結腸(大腸),在此開始發酵產生氣體,造成腹绞痛、腹脹、噁心、腹瀉。




但現在倫敦大學學院顯示,以白種人為主之基因突變是從7500年前在巴爾幹半島與中歐的酪農經營者而來,這些古代人屬於Funnel Beaker文化。

這個報告本週刊登在PLoS Computational Biology上。研究人員用電腦模擬乳糖酶持久基因的散播,跟食物採集的技術一起傳到全歐洲去。今天,最高比例有乳糖酶持久能力的人屬西北歐區域,尤其是荷蘭、愛爾蘭、北歐的人,但是模擬結果顯示最初帶有這種基因的人發源自中歐,然後迅速散播到其它地區。

隸屬環境與遺傳演化研究所的該報告作者Mark Thomas 說道:在歐洲,一個基因的改變與乳糖酶持久基因大有關係,並且給予這些人較大的生存優勢。這些歐洲的基因變化與一些非洲人因早期牧牛使然而產生乳糖酶持久能力不一樣。


附註 :
牛奶裡面也含有大量的細菌病毒、荷爾蒙(雌激素)、抗生素(治療乳房炎)、感染源及化學藥劑等,喝多了容易提高婦科問題發生機率,也會增加身體毒素的累積。 牛奶帶有許多蛋白質是酸性的食物,也因此身體為了中和由蛋白質所產生的酸性,必須損耗身體裡面的鈣質,最後導致骨質疏鬆的問題,其所謂高鈣的強壯神話實為騙局(鈣含量高沒錯,但會令人類在年紀增加後骨質疏鬆)。

Sixty percent of adults can't digest milk
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY

SAN FRANCISCO — Got milk? If you do, take a moment to ponder the true oddness of being able to drink milk after you're a baby.
No other species but humans can. And most humans can't either.

The long lists of food allergies some people claim to have can make it seem as if they're just finicky eaters trying to rationalize likes and dislikes. Not so. Eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish soy and gluten all can wreak havoc on the immune system of allergic individuals, even causing a deadly reaction called anaphylaxis.

But those allergic reactions are relatively rare, affecting an estimated 4% of adults.

Milk's different.

First off, most people who have bad reactions to milk aren't actually allergic to it, in that it's not their immune system that's reponding to the milk.

Instead, people who are lactose intolerant can't digest the main sugar —lactose— found in milk. In normal humans, the enzyme that does so —lactase— stops being produced when the person is between two and five years old. The undigested sugars end up in the colon, where they begin to ferment, producing gas that can cause cramping, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea.

If you're American or European it's hard to realize this, but being able to digest milk as an adult is one weird genetic adaptation.

It's not normal. Somewhat less than 40% of people in the world retain the ability to digest lactose after childhood. The numbers are often given as close to 0% of Native Americans, 5% of Asians, 25% of African and Caribbean peoples, 50% of Mediterranean peoples and 90% of northern Europeans. Sweden has one of the world's highest percentages of lactase tolerant people.

Being able to digest milk is so strange that scientists say we shouldn't really call lactose intolerance a disease, because that presumes it's abnormal. Instead, they call it lactase persistence, indicating what's really weird is the ability to continue to drink milk.

There's been a lot of research over the past decade looking at the genetic mutation that allows this subset of humanity to stay milk drinkers into adulthood.

A long-held theory was that the mutation showed up first in Northern Europe, where people got less vitamin D from the sun and therefore did better if they could also get the crucial hormone (it's not really a vitamin at all) from milk.

But now a group at University College London has shown that the mutation actually appeared about 7,500 years ago in dairy farmers who lived in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe, in what was known as the Funnel Beaker culture.

The paper was published this week in PLoS Computational Biology.

The researchers used a computer to model the spread of lactase persistence, dairy farming, other food gathering practices and genes in Europe.

Today, the highest proportion of people with lactase persistence live in Northwest Europe, especially the Netherlands, Ireland and Scandinavia. But the computer model suggests that dairy farmers carrying this gene variant probably originated in central Europe and then spread more widely and rapidly than non-dairying groups.

Author Mark Thomas of University College London's dept of Genetics, Evolution and Environment says: "In Europe, a single genetic change...is strongly associated with lactase persistence and appears to have given people with it a big survival advantage."

The European mutation is different from several lactase persistence genes associated with small populations of African peoples who historically have been cattle herders.

Researchers at the University of Maryland identified one such mutation among Nilo-Saharan-speaking peoples in Kenya and Tanzania. That mutation seems to have arisen between 2,700 to 6,800 years ago. Two other mutations have been found among the Beja people of northeastern Sudan and tribes of the same language family in northern Kenya.

來源: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2009-08-30-lactose-intolerance_N.htm


譯者: 牛教主, Animosa




從現在開始,估計全英國有500名全素食囚犯,將能夠自Holland and Barrett這家販賣許多種類堅果的連鎖店訂購食品。此外他們也能夠自Honesty Cosmetics訂購無動物成份或實驗的化妝品、沐浴乳、唇膏、護膚油脂、洗面乳;或者是從Lavera這間公司訂購防曬油、曬黑劑、青春露等。

素食囚犯支持團體說:我們很高興宣佈,經過與HM監獄服務單位協商後,Holland and Barrett及Honesty Cosmetics這兩家公司現在已在監獄用品供應商的名單中,從現在起茹素的犯人能買到適當的日用品了。



「我們的要求是提供無牽涉動物剝削的衛生保健產品,如肥皂、保濕劑、除臭劑、 牙膏等,另外也應該要有巧克力棒、甜與鹹口味的零食、蛋白質來源像是乳瑪琳或燉豆腐、植物抹醬、起司替代品、豆製優格、原味或調味的豆奶;吃素的囚犯長年來幾乎都沒有這些東西。」

來自HMP Exeter監獄的消息,那裡的犯人能坐在具有國家職業資格的餐廳裡享用種類完整的素食,這是目前茹素犯人人權最先進的案例。




Vegan prisoners win right to buy ethical cosmetics and food in jail
By Daily Mail Reporter

Vegan prisoners have won the right to have ethically-sourced cosmetics including nail polish, lip balm and cellulite oil in jail.
They will also be able to tuck into a variety of nuts after prison bosses allowed them to order directly from two new 'eco outlets'.

Vegans, who refuse to eat meat or dairy products, had been pressing for at least one Brazil nut a day in their rations to boost their immune systems.

It is the latest in a series of rulings to protect convicts' rights and ensure equality among different faiths and comes months after similar concessions for pagans.

Prison bosses were told in May to let pagan inmates collect and keep twigs in their cells to use as wands during their rituals.

Strict vegans will refuse to eat any food, wear any clothes or use any product that involves the use of animals.

This means normal sun-screen, prison-issue boots and canteen food are all against their beliefs.

From today, the estimated 500 vegan prisoners in UK prisons, will be able to order products from Holland and Barrett - which sells a wide variety of nuts.

They will also be allowed to buy a range of ethical products, including make-up, shower gels, lib balm, cellulite oil and facial scrubs from Honesty Cosmetics.
Orders can also be placed with the firm Lavera which supplies cruelty-free sun cream, aftersun, self-tanning lotion and anti-ageing creams.

The Vegan Prisoners Support Group said: 'We are happy to announce, after negotiations with HM Prison Service, that Holland and Barrett and Honesty Cosmetics have now been added to the prison service facilities lists/mail order catalogues, thus ensuring that vegan inmates can order suitable toiletries.'

The group, which was set up 15 years ago, is also pressing for 'vegan shoes'.
'We are continuing to negotiate the additon of a company offering vegan shoes (being made available to prisoners),' it said.

A spokesman the VPSG said that its fight to ensure prisoners got access to nuts, soya milk and vegan chocolate bars was 'critical' for their health.

He said: 'Vegan prisoners have had very limited access to vegan products through prison shops.

'Our recommendations were for basic vegan hygiene / bodycare products ie a vegan bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser, deodorant and toothpaste.

'In addition we recommended a vegan chocolate bar, sweet and savoury vegan biscuit, protein source such as Nuttolene or braised tofu, vegan spread, cheese alternative, soya yoghurt, flavoured soya drink and fortified soya milk.'

'Vegans have had to be without for so many years,' he added.

A source at HMP Exeter, where inmates can sit an NVQ in healthy eating which includes a module on veganism - said it was a 'step too far'.

He said: 'These guys are crooks - they shouldn't be sitting about sunbathing in the exercise yard or working on the farm covered in ethically-sourced sun cream. They should be being punished.

'They are in prison to serve time. We can't be running around making sure they have the right sun cream or that they have the one brazil nut or selection of walnuts to make sure they get enough vitamins.

'They gave up any rights to have principals when they robbed the old lady, burgled a house, smuggled cocaine or beat someone up - it's as simple as that.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1208667/Vegan-prisoners-win-right-buy-ethical-cosmetics-jail.html#ixzz0Pj3ZHVOQ

來源: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1208667/Vegan-prisoners-win-right-buy-ethical-cosmetics-jail.html

綠色和平警告 2048年漁源恐耗竭






來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090825/51/1ptp2.html

打獵錯看同伴是猴子 射殺釀悲劇




來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090825/17/1ps54.html

收留500流浪狗囚籠 志工哭:不如放生






來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090824/4/1pokm.html




消息在當地報紙刊登後,其他失狗者紛紛衝進醫院找尋自己的狗,其中一位找到他的狗奇科。巴爾韋德周四向路透社記者說:“聖馬科斯學院一直沒有為此事道歉。” 醫學院院長裡卡多-盧比斯承認失竊狗隻在試驗室受到傷害,但說學校只使用流浪狗作為試驗體。盧比斯告訴路透社記者:“ 我們本來就打算將狗歸還,這個我可以保證。被解剖的都是流浪狗。”


八八賑災/IFAW 向全球發起募款:拯救台灣受災狗!

國際動物保護團體IFAW 向全球發起募款,幫助南台受災貓狗,資訊就刊登在更在IFAW 官方網站首頁中


18日IFAW 和台灣動物緊急救援小組會談後,立即在IFAW 國際網站首頁中,刊登「拯救台灣受災狗!」資訊、向國際發起募款訊息。

IFAW 網站可設定多國語言,包括日本、美國、英國、印度加拿大等地,皆可看到這則救助台灣動物的資訊。

IFAW 將和國內動保團體合作,緊急設立臨時庇護所,讓受災動物們棲身;並提供獸醫和醫療用品以及食物跟水,照顧這些受傷、失去家園的貓狗。(我的狗新聞台)

延伸閱讀:救人也救動物 國際組織進災區


 「救人也救動物!」國際愛護動物基金會緊急救助經理Dick Green博士、一名具獸醫執照成員、顧問徐志毅等三人,前天自美國抵台灣後,昨天到旗山國中瞭解災情表示,災區民眾可能沒辦法照顧家禽,或獨留小貓小狗在家,因此,他們要挺進災區救援動物們。






來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090819/17/1pdmt.html

IFAW: https://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_canada_english/donate_now/taiwan_floods.php?#x

六成民眾 願為環境吃素

【2009/7/30 文:suiis編輯部】





愛護動物 從吃素開始

菲律賓名模兼歌手傑妮娃克魯絲17日在馬尼拉為人道對待動物組織(PETA) 拍攝全裸宣傳照,僅仿照屠夫用的屠宰部位示意圖,在身上貼上各部位名稱,強調「所有動物構造皆同,吃素吧」。


來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090817/45/1p9cf.html


總統與副總統您們好,我們是福爾摩莎動物權利小組 ANIMOSA。


在此次莫拉克颱風帶來的嚴重水患中,不論各處關於災害的報導、討論、批評幾乎都不離在救災與預報系統上的問題打轉,而沒有人探討何以 每年皆有不足為奇的颱風會變得越來越具破壞力 ?

儘管並非每個颱風都是破壞力驚人,也不是每年皆有重大天災出現,然而若回顧紀錄,即可察覺到 暴風雨的威力與次數明顯地在近十幾二十年間提升了,而同屬天災的地震卻仍屬周期性地產生並無特別之變化,舉例賀伯、納莉、敏督莉、陶芝、甚至美國的卡翠納等,皆可發現颱風的破壞力在近年內不斷增強,強的主要不在於風勢,而是爆炸性的傾盆雨勢導致的洪患與淹水對生命財產之大規模破壞,地處多山的台灣也在這段期間內發明了新名詞:土石流。





以上這些狀況是聯合國政府際氣候變更會 IPCC、美國航太總署 NASA、英國環境署 BEA、中研院環境變遷研究、台大全球變遷研究中心…等單位都認同的將發生在世界各地的暖化後果。

那麼追根究底全球暖化的主因是什麼呢 ?當台灣人已廣泛使用日光燈,環保新聞卻仍在宣傳比日光燈不省電的省電燈泡時;當大眾運輸工具因私有車輛過多以致搭乘大眾運輸人數少反而更不環保時;當汙染矛頭大多喜歡指向工業區時;我們必須明白道出暖化與許許多多環境問題背後的真正元兇,在於非必要之屠殺無數無辜生命的畜產養殖與相關行業!當代對於肉、蛋、奶、毛、皮等之消費不過資本主義之虛榮被神化之結果,大量浪費糧食、水、土地、石油資源,卻完全沒有無可取代之必要性!包含IPCC、聯合國農糧組織FAO、美國環保署EPA 、康乃爾/柏克萊/紐約等大學教授皆指出,全球暖化超過一半的貢獻來自畜牧產業!FAO更撰寫研究報告「Livestock's Long Shadow家畜禽的巨大陰影」來描述此問題之嚴重性。

讀過暖化報導者皆知二氧化碳CO2為溫室氣體,卻很少人知道 甲烷CH4、氧化亞氮(笑氣)N2O,是吸熱效果勝過二氧化碳28倍與296倍的溫室氣體,而它們的最大主要來源就是:這些卑賤地遭到人類奴役、拆散家庭、屠戮的豬牛羊雞鴨鵝及鹿馬魚等動物,在生存過程中排放與其排泄物所產生的的氣體,這些動物產生約20%於所有人類活動之溫室氣體總量(大於所有交通工具之排放量),卻對暖化有60%的「貢獻」(尚不包括養殖加工運輸過程中產生的溫室氣體),這是因為其產生的主要為甲烷與笑氣,而一般工業排放二氧化碳因其廢氣經常帶有懸浮微粒,反而有助於降低大氣溫度而抵消許多自身之暖化貢獻。


(圖片出處 : 蘋果日報)
礙於網頁篇幅,主題文章至此,感謝正副總統與幕僚長官之聆聽,若您有興趣了解關於肉食社會之其它資源浪費、汙染、衛生問題與殘害非人類動物之於道德價值的完全淪喪,推薦您觀賞此紀錄片:動物權經典:Earthlings 地球上的生靈


不論相關利益者如何反對,聯合國農糧組織與美國環保署仍不得不承認,當前崇尚肉食的社會,為了養殖家畜禽魚類等動物來加工剝削,相關行業浪費掉浪費地球上1/3的土地與糧食資源,轉換出只能養活1/20於投入資源的動物產品、養出一隻肉牛消耗的淡水可以浮起一艘驅逐艦畜牧業耗盡全美17州的地下水,摧毀大半南美雨林並因抽水畜牧與開闢牧場造成綠地沙漠化與生物多樣性毀滅、排泄物較人類多很多的農場動物汙染較所有工業還多的水域(台灣養豬業造成2/3的水汙染 美國畜牧業汙染35000英里大於工業總合的河川)、浪費石油(美國跟動物養殖加工相關的行業用掉全美1/3石油)、用掉一國總生產中70%的農藥與抗生素且儘管如此仍然得對跨國傳染病(如流感、沙門氏菌、狂牛症、瘟疫、肺結核…)負主要的責任。而這些都是在單純素食的環境上多加一大圈的沒必要負擔。  


物種歧視 VS種族主義


誰需要去想像地獄長什麼樣子? 因為它每天在生活周遭上演!

素(蔬)食 VS肉食
人類真的需要剝削其它動物來「營養」自己嗎? 包含國內外的知名內科醫師、台大醫院院長、交大/康乃爾大學等校的教授、華府非營利組織「責任醫療醫師委員會 PCRM」都認為純素的飲食比葷食益處良多;已經有相當多的研究顯示動物蛋白質和造成身體酸化致癌與導致骨質疏鬆有相當大的關係;而動物油、膽固醇、乳製品造就心血管疾病;奶類則對拉肚子與免疫系統過敏反應大有關係…遑論動物在骯髒擁擠不堪的養殖場中每天被餵食藥物且經常生病受傷施打抗生素而殘留在人吃下的產品中以致癌症更普遍。PCRM已要求全美各級學校開始提供素食給學生選擇。

當前絕大多數人都還認為素(蔬)食是佛教徒或是老人崇尚清淡的事,事實上 現代有如此多的固態或飲品類的素食種類早已能滿足口腹與視覺之慾,就冰淇淋、起司、荷包蛋皆有替代品;皮與毛製品亦早有相似度百分百卻較便宜之替代品。

素食者真有如肉食社會説的弱不禁風嗎? 自古來賢士名人皆有長壽之素食者:舉凡、王維、孫中山、甘地、托爾斯泰、史懷哲、富蘭克林、愛因斯坦、畢達哥拉斯、林肯、康德、珍古德、雀兒喜柯林頓(柯林頓總統之女)、尼可拉泰斯拉(傳奇天才科學家)、保羅麥卡尼爵士(披頭四樂團)、佛瑞斯威特克(奧斯卡影帝)…等,皆是認為所有動物該獲得平等對待之素食者。


民主是選擇的自由,但一人之自由不該侵犯其它生命之權利,非人類動物是「弱勢中的弱勢」,他們生存的目的跟您我一樣是為了健康快樂活下去,當然也是這個島上的居民 ! 本小組欲傳達的並非「教導人人喜愛動物」,而是跟尊重別人一樣尊重其它動物之生存自由權 ,因為只要是一個個體,則其重要性都不大於一個亦不少於一個。




相關參考來源 :
http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT4/5088649.shtml颱風與暖化新聞http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/global_warming_worldbook.html 美國航太署NASA全球暖化報導
http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/ 英國環境署(附洪水警告)
http://www.ipcc.ch/ 聯合國政府際氣候變更會
http://www.epa.gov/ 美國環保署
http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/a0701e/a0701e00.HTM 聯合國農糧組織-家畜禽的巨大陰影
http://www.pcrm.org/ 美國責任醫藥內科醫生委員會
http://www.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/ 美國責任醫藥內科醫生委員會素食指南
救命飲食The China Study(美國康乃兩大學營養生物化學榮譽教授柯林.坎貝爾博士)

人造肉漢堡? 人類未來大勢所趨



  研究團隊「新收穫」(New Harvest)的成員麥森尼(Jason Matheny)說,「人工培養的肉類有許多優點。我們可精確控制肉類中的脂肪數量,可以使牛絞肉有合理的脂肪酸比例─一種可以防止、而非導致心臟病的漢堡肉片。」




  傳統肉類的生產對環境也有負面衝擊。聯合國最近公佈的報告、「家畜的巨大陰影」(Livestock's LongShadow)就凸顯畜牧也是造成氣候變遷惡化的因素之一。


  「牛津大學」(University of Oxford)野生動物保育研究小組的托米士托(Hanna Tuomisto)發表的初步研究結果就指出,人造肉類減少的二氧化碳排放量超過80%。



By Matt Ford For CNN

(CNN) -- Meat is murder? Well, perhaps not for much longer.

Artist Banksy has satirized modern farming and meat production; could in-vitro meat be a better option?

A pioneering group of scientists are working to grow real animal protein in the laboratory, which they not only claim is better for animal welfare, but actually healthier, both for people and the planet. It may sound like science fiction, but this technology to create in-vitro meat could be changing global diets within ten years.

"Cultured meat would have a lot of advantages," said Jason Matheny of research group New Harvest. "We could precisely control the amount of fat in meat. We could make ground beef with an ideal fatty acid ratio -- a hamburger that prevents heart attacks instead of causing them."
But it isn't just the possibility of creating designer ground beef with the fat profile of salmon that drives Matheny's work. Meat and livestock farming is also the source of many human diseases, which he claims would be far less common when the product is raised in laboratory conditions.
"We could reduce the risks of diseases like swine flu, avian flu, 'mad cow disease', or contamination from Salmonella," he told CNN. "We could produce meat in sterile conditions that are impossible in conventional animal farms and slaughterhouses. And when we grow only the meat we can eat, it's more efficient. There's no need to grow the whole animal and lose 75 to 95 percent of what we feed it."

Conventional meat production is also hard on the environment. The contribution of livestock to climate change was recently highlighted by the United Nations' report, "Livestock's Long Shadow", while groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth have demonstrated how soy farming for animal feed contributes to the destruction of the Amazon.

In this context Matheny believes his project could significantly cut the environmental impact of meat production -- using much less water and producing far fewer greenhouse gases.

"We could reduce the environmental footprint of meat, which currently contributes more to global warming than the entire transportation sector," says Matheny.

Preliminary results from a study by Hanna Tuomisto, at the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, University of Oxford, suggest that cultured meat would reduce the carbon emissions of meat production by more than 80 percent.

Making cultured meat

In-vitro meat is made from samples of animals conventionally slaughtered. For example, "pork" is made from pig ovaries retrieved from slaughterhouses, which are fertilized with pig semen, transforming them into embryos. They are then placed in a nutrient solution, where they grow and develop.

It's a long way from the popular image of animals wandering round the farmyard in the sunshine, but then so is modern intensive farming. The factor that could take the research from the lab to the store and into refrigerators around the world is its remarkable commercial potential.

According to New Harvest, meat is already estimated to be a $1 trillion global market, and demand is expected to double by 2050. With concerns about health, animal welfare and the environment growing the appeal of in vitro meat is obvious.

Watch moreWatch Eco Solutions interview with Jason Matheny, the research scientist for in-vitro meat, and more about meat's impact on the environment on CNN International at 7pm ET on Sunday, August 9.

Matheny told CNN that venture capitalists Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers have shown an interest in his technology, while Stegman, a sausage subsidiary of food giant Sara Lee, is a partner. The Netherlands' Government has also invested around $4 million in Dutch research into in-vitro meat production.

But it isn't just the suits who are circling with their checkbooks out -- campaign group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have announced a $1 million prize for the first commercially viable in vitro chicken product. The Humane Society of the United States has also been supportive.

"We think that a technology to produce cultured ground meats -- burgers, sausages, nuggets, and so forth -- could be commercialized within ten years," said Matheny.

"As with most technologies, successive generations should improve in price, quality, and acceptance. We don't think that matching the taste and texture of ground meats will be very difficult. Both conventional and cultured meat is made of muscle tissue. And conventional ground meat is typically highly processed. Chicken nuggets for instance, are made of something called 'meat slurry' -- it would be hard not to do better!"

Public attitude

But the public doesn't always blindly buy what companies believe they should, and acceptance of what is a very radical proposition certainly isn't a foregone conclusion. There are bound to be claims of "Frankenfoods," and reaction against the work.

"Social acceptance isn't guaranteed, but we all want meat that's safer and healthier," he said. "If cultured meat looks, tastes, and costs the same as regular meat, then I think acceptance will be high. The more we learn about the health and environmental impact of conventional meat, the more cultured meat looks like a good alternative."

One obvious touchstone for how in-vitro-meat will be received by the public is perhaps the way GM crops were -- or were not - accepted around the world, something that Matheny draws encouragement from.

"What's interesting about the GM issue is that it has been controversial in some places, but is a non-issue for most consumers," he said.

"Most Americans are regularly eating GM foods. In any case, it's not necessarily the case that cultured meat would involve GM foods.

"We all want meat that's safer and healthier. If cultured meat looks, tastes, and costs the same as regular meat, then do we care that it's produced in a steel tank, rather than in an animal farm?

"Take hydroponic vegetables. We like the idea that they're produced in sterile water instead of dirt and manure. It's true that in-vitro meat isn't natural. Nor for that matter are hydroponic vegetables, or bread, or cheese, or wine. Raising 10,000 chickens indoors and pumping them full of drugs isn't natural, either, and it isn't healthy or safe. The more we learn about how meat is produced now, the more in-vitro meat looks like a better alternative."

Lab-produced meat also raises some ethical considerations. Kate McMahon, Friends of the Earth Energy and Transport campaigner, believes more attention should be paid to improving livestock conditions rather than developing in-vitro meat.

"At a time when hundreds of small-scale, sustainable farming operations are filing for bankruptcy every day, it is unethical to consider purchasing petri dish meat. Rather, we should be making it easier and more affordable to raise livestock in a safe, humane and ecologically sensitive manner," she told CNN.

Gillian Madill, Genetics Technologies spokesperson for Friends of the Earth, thinks that clear parameters for in-vitro development need to put in place: "If we can successfully develop these products, what is the defining line between lab-grown meat and natural animals?" she told CNN.
"That is an especially important question since a high level of differentiation and tissue complexity is required to replicate muscle tissue that we use as meat. We need to draw clear lines in order to prevent the commodification of all life."

Ultimately the success of in-vitro meat may be less about consumer sensibilities and more about the hard realities of feeding a growing global population in a finite world.

"With India and China doubling their meat consumption every decade, there's no sustainable way to satisfy the growing global appetite for meat without a significant improvement in technology," said Matheny.

"Cultured meat offers one solution. Improved plant-based meat substitutes offer another. I expect both will be needed."

Test tube burgers? It seems you could be eating them sooner than you might expect.

來源: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090810/5/1oph8.html


PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,中文譯名:善待動物組織)近日可謂揚眉吐氣,他們的反對皮草戰役取得了重大階段性勝利:他們得到了來自兩位最具影響力的時尚領袖的支持——法國第一夫人卡爾拉。



“我不穿、不買,也從來都不曾擁有過皮草,”布呂尼在給善待動物組織資深副主席丹.馬修(Dan Mathews)的回信中如是說。“每當設計師請我為其服裝公開露面,我可以告訴您,我不接受任何皮草制品,哪怕只含有一點皮草成分。”

伴隨前日布呂尼聲明不穿皮草的信函被公開,蜜雪兒歐巴馬的副新聞秘書馬斯.達菲(Semonti Mustaphi)也在次日宣布:“歐巴馬女士不穿皮草。”


毫無疑問,兩位不僅僅是被看作元首夫人,更是領導世界潮流的時尚符號(fashion icon)對反皮草運動所作出的積極響應,將對皮草時尚甚至皮草交易產生深遠影響。穿不穿皮草,已經不是個人興趣和品位的問題,而上升為一個社會道德感的問題。但在厚利的誘惑下,時尚界定不會輕易偃旗息鼓,一場利益與道德的博弈,無疑還將曠日持久的繼續下去。

參考: 蜜雪兒歐巴馬夫人"不穿皮草"的聲明

來源: http://csj.xinhuanet.com/2009-08/03/content_17279861.htm

"皮草=死亡", 市區驚現裸屍示威抵制亞曼尼


台北訊 — 著名動物保護團體善待動物組織(PETA)與福爾摩莎動物權利小組(Animosa)的成員,在2009年8月10日於台北市區內的亞曼尼服飾店外,以裸身躺入棺木的方式表達抗議。棺木以花海覆滿, 週遭並圍繞著刻有「亞曼尼: 皮草等於死亡」之標語的墓碑。 其他動物權利支持者則幫忙發送傳單,揭示無數動物因亞曼尼皮草製品而遭逢的苦難與死亡。喬治‧亞曼尼在2007年立下停止使用動物皮草的承諾,但在立下承諾的幾個月內,亞曼尼的新一季商品卻又充斥著由兔毛皮草製成的款件。這是PETA針對他違背承諾,近期內為數眾多的抗議活動之一。


PETA成員崔倩萍表示: 「亞曼尼正宣判著無數兔子, 世界上最溫和的物種之一,在中國遭受極度痛苦至死亡的悲慘命運」。「我們在各皮草農場的調查, 總揭露相似的恐怖虐待情形:全世界皮草農場的動物, 都被迫生活在骯髒, 悲慘的環境, 被剝奪了最基本的需求, 在極度痛苦與恐懼中死亡。」

許多領導時尚的時裝設計品牌, 包含Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, 和Tommy Hilfiger, 都已完全不再生產含動物皮草的製品。


PETA Asia-Pacific & Animosa成員合影

PETA and Animosa Members Converge on Designer's Store, Baring Their Skin to Save Animals' Skins

Taipei -- Lying naked in flower-covered coffins surrounded by tombstones inscribed with the tagline "Armani: Fur Is Dead," members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific and Animosa will protest outside the Giorgio Armani store in downtown Taipei on Monday. Other activists will hand out leaflets explaining how countless animals suffer and die so that their fur can be used in Armani apparel. It's all part of PETA's campaign targeting Giorgio Armani since he broke his 2007 promise to stop using fur. Within months of making his promise, Armani's new collection was full of items featuring rabbit fur.

Date: August 10, 2009
Time: 1 p.m. sharp
Place: Outside Armani, 110-112 DunHua South Road, Sec. 2, Taipei (near the intersection of Heping East Road)

Armani buys his rabbit fur from China, where animal protection laws are virtually non-existent. PETA has just released footage from its undercover investigation of rabbit-fur farms in China, which is now the world's largest fur exporter. The footage from one farm shows rabbits who are crammed into filthy cages encrusted with urine and feces. Workers at the farm pull rabbits from cages by their ears and shoot them in the head with electric stun guns--often multiple times--while the terrified animals kick and scream. They are then hung upside down and decapitated. Click here to view the footage (broadcast quality footage is available upon request).

"Armani is sentencing countless rabbits--who are members of one of the world's gentlest species--to a horrific life and a violent death in China," says PETA's Rebecca Chui. "Our investigations of fur farms always turn up the same horrible abuses: All over the world, animals on fur farms are forced to live in filthy, miserable conditions, are deprived of basic necessities, and die in agony and terror."

Many top fashion designers, including Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger, have gone fur-free.

For more information, please visit PETAAsiaPacific.com and animosa.org.